Over the weekend Kid One had there annual 5K run to raise funds. Kid One transports children to medical appointments in many counties in Alabama. I believe this is a wonderful organization to support. All of their staff work very hard to promote the health and well being of our children.
Over 600 participants arrived in the wee hours of the morning. With spirits high they took off. Each runner represented a ride for one child. The registration fee approximately covers the cost of one transport. To cheer on the runners Kid One's own Tommy and Amber were present to bring a face to the people in need of service.
Tracy the CEO and others on staff participated in the run. Also I volunteered Brett to run on behalf on Arden Photography and he finished in record time.
To find out more information on Kid One please visit there official site
http://www.kidone.org/I want to thank personal friends Holly and Suzanne for keeping me involved in the organization.